Save your smartphone battery life and protect from damaging :
1. Use a dark colour back ground in your smart phone
2. Decrease your bright and contrast setting
3. Make your apps darker too
4. Turn off of your vibrate setting
5. Do not use a knock off
6. Take a time out in your mobile screen
7. Get your notifications to leave you alone at night
8. Use the battery saving moode
9. Turn off google hot words
10. Get rid of animation of your smart phone
Keep trying to obey these above rules and Save your smartphone battery life.
Also try for protect your smartphone or iphone from damaging...
Best Wishes Forever...
Related Post :
Save your smartphone battery life
Protect from damaging
Increasing smartphone battery life
Protecting battery from damage
Increasing smartphone battery life
Iphone battery saving tips
Now a days smartphone and iphone user are increasing day by day. But all user are not sincere to their mobile. Some user are facing many problem during using. Some are lost their mobile early, some are lost their mobile battery life.
Everybody should follow some rules to avoid unexpected situation, need proper direction to protect mobile or smartphone from damaging and harmful events, also need secure way to save battery life for your significant iphone and important smartphone or Tab devices. Lets follow some tips to save your smartphone battery life and protect from damaging...
1. Use a dark colour back ground in your smart phone
2. Decrease your bright and contrast setting
3. Make your apps darker too
4. Turn off of your vibrate setting
5. Do not use a knock off
6. Take a time out in your mobile screen
7. Get your notifications to leave you alone at night
8. Use the battery saving moode
9. Turn off google hot words
10. Get rid of animation of your smart phone
Keep trying to obey these above rules and Save your smartphone battery life.
Also try for protect your smartphone or iphone from damaging...
Best Wishes Forever...
Related Post :
Save your smartphone battery life
Protect from damaging
Increasing smartphone battery life
Protecting battery from damage
Increasing smartphone battery life
Iphone battery saving tips
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