C# Program to check entered number is prime or composite
Program Statement:
Write a program that takes an integer as an input from user and prints if it is a prime or composite number.
static void Main(string[] args)
int num, i;
Console.WriteLine("Enter the number to check number is prime or composite");
i = 2;
while (i <= num - 1)
if (num % i == 0)
Console.WriteLine("composite number: "+num);
if (i == num)
Console.WriteLine("prime number: " + num);
It is the fastest-growing and most technologically advanced method of detecting drugs. The hair follicle test is gaining rapid popularity among the government and other organizations because of its ability to detect drugs consumed about 90–120 days ago.There are several individual factors that determine how long THC (more specifically Delta-9) remains in your body. These factors may include:Age, gender, and frequency of exposure also determine the duration for which THC may linger in your body.Due to the THC’s lipid-solubility, it tends to get deposited in the fat cells of your body. It is relatively easier (and faster) for a person with lower body fat to flush out the toxins. Frequent consumption coupled with high body fat can prolong THC retention (and therefore the cleansing procedure) in an individual’s body.When you consume weed, your body retains the metabolite residues long after you’ve used it. These residues are safely stored in your fat cells and are detectable in samples of your urine, blood, hair follicles, and saliva. This is why drug tests are designed to test such samples.For you to fail this test, your urine sample needs to contain 50ng/ml or more THC. Future you will be grateful you opted for less risk and chose to use one of the better fake urine brands.When your job is at stake, and your test results have the potential to force you into rehab for smoking a joint over the weekend, it’s normal to feel anxious about passing. It’s a stressful situation. Golden words from grandmothers prove to be highly effective in many cases, and we can trust them due to the lowest possibility of side effects. Ingredients from your kitchen can help you in getting clear through a drug test.